Registration Instructions
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Financial Questions
We want everyone to play. Please do NOT let cost stop you.
Chinook Rugby is dedicated to providing an inclusive, fun, and dynamic environment for recreational rugby players. Our goal is provide a quality experience in the regional leagues that cater for student athletes 2nd-12th grade.
Rugby can be a lifelong sport and builds character and leadership within our youth.
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Teach Honor, Respect, Teamwork, Integrity, Self-confidence and Leadership. All coached through our one and only priority goal:
“Have Fun at practice and on game day”
These values and mission contribute the growth our Club has had over the years to become one of the largest clubs in our region: Chinook Club History
Provide opportunities for student athletes to experience the game of rugby in Southwest Washington. We believe rugby builds character as we teach our “Values” to build self-confidence and leadership in our youth on and off the pitch. Support the development of boys and girls to advance onto regional, state, and national teams as they continue on beyond our youth program into college, Adult, National and Olympic leagues.
We teach Respect as the most fundamental principle in both the game of Rugby and in life. Athletes, Coaches, and Parents are expected to Respect one another and be respectful to one another always.
Rugby shows this principle on game day as well in how we treat the Match Official from the field and the sidelines.
Respect, we believe, helps our athletes excel in both sport and life.
In showing Respect, we can actively encourage one another. We are all expected to be encouraging in our words and actions. Even correction has the purpose of encouraging our athletes to grow.
On game day, we encourage good play for both teams offering congratulations even when it’s not our Try and supporting one another on and off the pitch.
Encouraging others helps us to better receive encouragement from others and ourselves.
Empowerment is the natural progression of being respectful and encouraging one another. We empower our athletes to make active decisions on the field on game day because we have encouraged and taught them how to make the best choices available and how to overcome when we make mistakes.
Empowerment is about their success and showing respect and encouragement to others, win or lose, mistakes or successes. This is how leaders are made.

Troy & Kim Fallon
This club is where our daughter started her rugby career. It has propelled her to success as a collegiate athlete & the opportunity to compete with the USA team as part of the Olympic pool.
Joel K.
Your association is truly upstanding and is behind its teams 100%. Not able to tell you how happy I am with Chinook Rugby. The very best.
Celisse I.
Chinook Rugby is great. I don’t know what else to say.
Lorianna R.
I would also like to say thank you to all your staff. I couldn’t have asked for more than this. If you want real rugby that works and effective sportsmanship – Chinook Rugby’s got you covered.
Davis Z.
Keep up the excellent work.